
Special Report: Reporting Black America
Penfield’s Black Supermoms Make Sure School Kids know Black Kids Matter
It wasn’t only black children and their mothers, but people of all colours and nationalities who joined both the rallies, creating an inclusive and cohesive space.

Brazil’s legacy of racism gets the spotlight in wake of George Floyd’s death
The legacy of racism in Brazil has been brutal.

Artists share virtual support for Black Lives Matter protests
Created both by amateurs and professionals, a vast collection of artworks rapidly spread on social media with hashtags such as #blacklivesmatter, #georgefloyd, #icantbreathe, #saytheirnames and #BLM.

From peaceful protest to chaos
As night fell and tensions rose.

From Harlem to the Lower East Side, protestors march, scream and battle for racial justice
Clashes with police occurred across downtown Manhattan through the night.

Families of fatal police shootings want their voices heard
"We need a movement where everyone can say, just stop, it needs to stop."