During the day: peace.
Into the night: chaos.
Yesterday demonstrators gathered at Union Square to continue protesting the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police force.
The gathering began at 3 pm, with peaceful protest and march that snaked through the streets of Manhattan, down the West Side Highway, through Washington Square Park and the Lower East Side.
As night fell and tensions rose, once again protestors and police clashed. NYPD cruisers and transport vehicles were set ablaze, stores looted, and both police and protestors injured.

Union Square, May 30, 2020. Photo by Thomas Hengge

Marchers leave Washington Square Park, May 30, 2020. Photo by Thomas Hengge

Demonstrators march through the Bowery, May 29 2020. Photo by Thomas Hengge

Demonstrators march through Chelsea, May 30, 2020. Photo by Thomas Hengge

A demonstrator gets milk poured on them after being pepper-sprayed. May 29, 2020. Photo by Thomas Hengge

A person stands in front of a burning NYPD vehicle, May 30, 2020. Photo by Thomas Hengge

Police and demonstrators meet, May 30, 2020. Photo by Thomas Hengge

Police and protestors clash, May 30, 2020.

A man is arrested at Union Square, May 30, 2020. Photo by Thomas Hengge

A person helps a woman just pepper-sprayed, May 30, 2020. Photo by Thomas Hengge

NYPD cordon off an area outside Union Square, May 30, 2020. Photo by Thomas Hengge

George Floyd painted on a storefront in the Lower East Side, May 30, 2020. Photo by Thomas Hengge