Comments on: Homeless Iraq War vet begs for change on subway From New York to the Nation Sun, 21 Mar 2010 14:58:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: cigna Sun, 21 Mar 2010 14:58:04 +0000 It’s time to admit the truth: the war in Iraq is due to oil and government contracts to private companies, not knocking down the Towers and killing so many Americans. The White House knew these terrorists were in the country and did NOTHING! They waste time and money chasing after Mexican illigals who do us no phyiscal harm, and are doing jobs most American lazy pelple will not lower themselves to do! QUIT LYING TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ABOUT why we are in Iraq! We have oil resources here in American we could appropriate but for the goody two shoes who are on the side of minows, the gnats, the rats and the worms on the earth and care nothing about the people. Save the Whales, sacrifice the people! This country is being led by IDIOTS who are only interested in lining their pockets. WANT TO BE RICH? BECOME A CONGRESSMAN!

By: Cassondra Bellazer Sat, 20 Mar 2010 14:48:53 +0000 lol, Eddie is so funny! I love him.

By: Myong Ameling Mon, 22 Feb 2010 18:38:57 +0000 Nice one, Thanks!

By: Roberto Szigethy Mon, 22 Feb 2010 17:25:44 +0000 Super nice this is going to my collections

By: Isadora Pepple Mon, 22 Feb 2010 17:20:52 +0000 Nice one, Thanks!

By: Jewel Greider Mon, 15 Feb 2010 21:09:28 +0000 I dont usually comment, but after reading through so much info I had to say thanks!

By: Free Movies Online Wed, 10 Feb 2010 03:22:20 +0000 May I congratulate you on your exemplary article.You have made my day and gained a new fan. in comparison to many of the articles on the web this is a joy to read, I am glad that I found your article. I will be linking to this from all my blogs.

By: Pete Senegal Tue, 09 Feb 2010 23:36:16 +0000 Not sure if I concur but thank u for the information By the way, can I contact you about your blog?

By: Pacific_waters Tue, 22 Dec 2009 22:48:38 +0000 Did the reporter check the facts? Where is his DD214? Where did he separate? What units was he in and cman anybody remember him? Sounds like a bunch of bull to me. At least he didn’t claim to be a SEAL or Green Beret.

By: Brian Tue, 22 Dec 2009 18:26:37 +0000 So, you couldn’t ask him what unit he was with? Hey, I served 78 Months in IRAQ and got a ton of medals, I am a fighter pilot too, and a SEAL… Want to interview me? Journalism is DEAD!!
