Comments on: Anti-abortion groups target African-Americans From New York to the Nation Mon, 04 Apr 2011 14:58:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Juda Mon, 04 Apr 2011 14:58:43 +0000 The comment above shows lack of knowledge. I will give the benefit of the doubt that the person does not intend to propagate false information.

The torture and oppression is in coerced abortions. The #1 reason for death among pregnant women is homicide. (Elliot Institute) Family and boyfriends ranked highest for those deaths.

Women who have had abortions can correctly inform about the results of abortion. Sarah have you spoken to the millions who are suffering forever from abortions? Silent No More can be a good start for you.

Why not inform women of the consequences for ripping another human life from their bodies? Tell them ALL. Emotional and physical risks should be told to every woman seeking abortion. Show them videos of the procedure. Now that is true choice.

Blind choice is no choice at all.

If abortionists think women would still choose death for their child after seeing it all then why don’t they INFORM them of everything. Why are they afraid to show the baby or let the mother hear the heartbeat? THEY KNOW that mother will likely CHOOSE life for their baby. And they will be out of money from that “client”.

The lies keep the blood money accounts full.

By: Sarah Wed, 23 Mar 2011 15:15:31 +0000 In Cleveland, there are some sickening highway-side billboards that read, “You are better than abortion,” and heaps of “Crisis Pregnancy Centers” targeting women of color with false information and anti-abortion scare tactics.

I escort monthly at local abortion clinics and the protesters are constantly torturing the African-American women who come in (note: about 50% of the patients are not black) with taunts such as, “That white doctor just wants your black baby!” It is so disturbing that these mostly male, all white protesters try to flip black oppression “blame” onto the clinic staff. How can these people not realize their privilege in assuming not having an abortion would create a better outcome for the mother or child? All across the country, because of historically anti-black regimes in the US (which unarguably are upheld today, not matter how much people want to ignore them), African American women are often stuck in low-income environments with little opportunity for legitimate or secure employment, education, and as a result more likely to have an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy.

The protesters also shout out adoption arguments. Sure, you’ll find some great adoption stories if you’re a white baby born without physical or psychological defects from drugs an alcohol. But the truth is, we have a broken adoption institution which favors the privileged (big surprise). Even if you’re not African American, children experience horrifying orphanage/foster care/adoption situations.

So, why don’t these blatantly racist anti-abortionists spend their time and money providing real resources for women of any race–providing factual sexual health education and affordable, widespread access to contraceptives and health care, or a decent home for an orphaned child. Anything, but please, stop torturing and oppressing women with twisted and privileged justifications against abortion and women (of color).
