Live Blog (Page 2)

Live Blog
GOP CNN Debate: Republicans battle for 3 hours
Jake Tapper opened the debate with a heated question...

Live Blog
GOP CNN Debate: Trump goes on attack again
Trump and Fiorina, who previously exchanged some harsh public words, were up first with some tough questions about whether she would trust him with nuclear codes (the answer was no).

Live Blog
CNN GOP Debate: Inconsequential overall
[View the story “Second GOP debate, inconsequential overall.” on Storify]

Live Blog•News•Video
Two Bodies recovered from East Village explosion and building collapse
Megan Jamerson reports

Live Blog
2015 Academy Awards
Live Blog
2014 Academy Awards
Live Blog
Violence in Chicago’s South Side
[View the story “Chicago’s Southside at a Glance” on Storify]
Live Blog
Southeast Asia’s ugly obession with fair skin
[View the story “South Asia’s Ugly Obsession with Fair Skin” on Storify]
Live Blog
Have you met the de Blasio’s
Newly elected, Democratic Mayor, Bill de Blasio, was no stranger to the spotlight, and throughout his campaign, neither were his family members.
Live Blog
If polls had wings, de Blasio would fly.
It was a landslide victory for Democratic candidate Bill de Blasio in the race for New York City's top job Tuesday night. It took less than an hour after the polls to close to read the writing on the wall for his opponent.