Video (Page 5)

Chinatown celebrates the Lunar New Year
The city's Chinese Lunar New Year celebration is smaller this year because of the pandemic but just as joyous.

Commuters brace for yet another MTA fare hike
Some subway-goers are unhappy with the service. They would like to see the MTA improve their system before raising fares.

Hare Krishnas are still chanting and dancing in New York City
Since 1965 the Hare Krishna have been a part of New York City's landscape.

App surveils Muslim community
Muslim Pro didn’t mention that they sent its users' data to X-Mode, the third party that allegedly sold data to the military’s counterterrorism unit.

Special Report: Shutdown: The Coronavirus
Working out looks very different during a pandemic
With gyms closing or on limited schedules, New Yorkers’ work outs have become more challenging and creative during COVID-19.

Special Report: Shutdown: The Coronavirus
The show goes on
The theatre industry creates approximately $13 billion dollars of tax revenue for the city of New York.

International students may choose other countries to study, if Trump is reelected

Diverse Latino voters are making their presidential choice this election
The size and diversity of the Latino community makes it hard for any candidate to ignore them.

Philadelphia embraces early voting
Philadelphians are voting in record numbers.

Stakes are high for young women in the presidential election
The future looks uncertain for young women Democratic voters as election day nears.