Julie Liao

Advocates for North Korean people worry about human rights violations
Increased tensions bring fear.

Black girls code
Black Girls Code, a non-profit organization founded in 2011, worked with a tech company SmartGurlz to teach girls how to code.

Museum gives visitors a wall to express hopes and fears on immigration

A Mexican business owner remembers her journey and worries about her future
A Mexican business owner lives in fear of Trump.

Life after a wrongful conviction
Jeffrey Deskovic is one of 1,934 of the wrongly convicted who have been released from prison. Rebuiliding his life is hard.

On Veterans Day, vets talk Trump
NYC veterans give their thoughts on the president elect.

Features•Special Reports
NYC Marathon: Marathon runners cheers runners
Ellen McCann, 44, was held up a sign that read ” You run better than our government” to uplift every […]

NY People: Street Musician Peter May
Peter May is a fixture at Washington Square Park.

Life jackets symbolize the plight of refugees in Brooklyn display
Oxfam America, a global organization that addresses poverty, hunger and injustice arranged used refugee life jackets on Pebble Beach at […]

Features•News•Special Reports
Teaching 9/11
This was their last social studies class before the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks that changed their city and the world.