Features (Page 5)

Victims of Bronx fire honored in memorial
The memorial, decorated with colorful flowers, candles, and toys was accompanied by photographs of the men, women, and children who died from smoke inhalation.

Pandemic singles ‘swipe right’ on dating apps
The rise in dating app downloads can be attributed to hesitancy - or the inability - to meet new people in the real world.

Special Report: Reporting Black America
Sonic Serenity: A review of the music that carried Black folks through 2021
Music has the power to soothe and re-situate. The right song can transport you back in time to a place […]

Special Report: Reporting Black America
Despite uptick in diversity numbers, Black students say inclusive spaces are rare
Along with the fact that NYU’s claims about diversity are not reflected in the number of Black students in the classrooms, the environment for Black students is also a point of concern in terms of microaggressions and other inconveniences.

Special Report: Reporting Black America
African students says mispronouncing their names is a form of racism
The way people in America make her and other Africans feel about their names is yet another form of racist micro-aggressions.

The hidden cost of miscarriage
After listening to silence with the ultrasound technician, and getting confirmation from the doctor that there was no heartbeat, Moore knew her pregnancy had ended.

Supply shortage threatens nationwide Christmas tree inventory
The recent increase of supply chain issues driven by the Covid-19 pandemic looms over buyers and sellers, threatening the availability of trees.

Special Report: Reporting Black America
Young adult Black immigrants forge new lives and battle racial inequalities
More than a quarter of Black immigrants have college degrees and 74 percent of them are fluent in English, 24 percent higher than all immigrants.

Marathon runners push through pain and sacrifice in order to compete
“I compare running a marathon to like getting pregnant…because it’s not all pretty being pregnant, but once you see the baby you forget about everything.”

Special Report: Reporting Black America
The Chaotic Birth of a Coffee Shop
In February of 2020, after building the store front with his father, and only a few weeks before COVID, Lynch and the family finally opened Downtown Coffeehouse in the Lower East Side.