
Elizabeth Warren


Warren rallies in front of thousands of progressive voters

Hundreds of attendees wore Warren’s campaign t-shirts and others wore manifestos for the progressive issues they hold dear.


Elizabeth Warren lists her plans in Washington Square Park rally

Senator Elizabeth Warren held a rally at Washington Square Park yesterday. Photo by Karen Camela Watson Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren’s supporters […]


Warren takes her corruption plan to Washington Square Park

Thousands gathered at New York City’s Washington Square Park to hear Senator Elizabeth Warren’s speech. Many supporters held up “I’m […]


Warren wows the crowd with a fiery anti-corruption speech in Washington Square Park

 The event brought out many young people, who were  excited to hear Warren speak..


Student Loan Forgiveness Debate at the forefront of NYU students mind’s

A comprehensive student loan forgiveness program that would allow most Americans to have up to $50,000 of debt forgiven by the government.