anti abortion

Nolita church and business targeted by pro-choice activists
The goal was to stop Tommy Tours from working with the Basilica of St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral in Nolita, a church that holds a monthly “witness for life” mass followed by a march to a nearby Planned Parenthood where they sing and pray against abortion.

Pro-Choice activists protest cathedral that holds “anti-abortion mass”
The first Saturday of every month, the Basilica of St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral holds a Witness for Life mass that is followed by a procession to the clinic.

Anti-Abortion Catholics divided on excommunicating Cuomo
Many anti-abortion Catholics began calling for Governor Andrew Cuomo’s excommunication after the Reproductive Healthcare Act passed through the New York state legislature on January 22. But not all Catholics, both leaders and laity, agree on excommunicating the governor. Concerns range from political repercussions from the governor to hurting the Church’s reputation. On both sides of the debate, church leaders are publically sharing their opinion.