Comments on: Philadelphia Life: Ex-inmates are given hope through innovative program From New York to the Nation Thu, 30 Dec 2010 03:02:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: genna Thu, 30 Dec 2010 03:02:29 +0000 Nina,

Google expunging and you should find the resources you need.

At the same time, it sounds like what he needs most is counseling to get him over PTSD (which can also be intertwined with depression) and maybe this would help him in other areas, too. His records should not hold him back- especially for doing carpentry etc.

Good luck and best to you both.

By: nina merendino Tue, 28 Dec 2010 19:04:53 +0000 I live with a former veteran of the Iraqi war. He was a Sargent at Scofield barracks in Honolulu. He was an expert sniper and selected to kill 2 men in Iraq during Desert Storm. Upon returning he suffered severe PTSD, but was even seen by a psychiatrist. The army would not admit that these veterans were suffereing and it would have showed weakness to ask for help. The base was filled with drugs of all kinds, and started using marijuana to stop the nightmares. Then he caught up selling it, and took full responsibility for his actions. Because he sold on base, he was sentenced to one year at Fort Lewis federal prison, but was released in 10 months due to good behavior. He was given a “bad conduct” discharge, was given no money, nothing. He had served from 1985-1982, and was not considered a veteran anymore. His wife and family left him. He ended up on the streets, with little help from any social services. He was in and out of sober houses, and then eventually started selling drugs to stay alive. He lost everything. He was sentenced in 1999, for approximately 5 year term. He spent 6 years in prison, given 200 dollars and placed back on the streets. I met him in 2007 and found him suffering still from PTSD, with no hope for a future. He still suffers fugue states, nightmares, but can’t even get disability. He is a hard worker, an able carpenter, construction worker, who was working off and on. He still has trouble getting work, even though he has had no criminal activity for over 7 years. Does anyone know how he can get his records expunged, and be able to feel like a whole person again? any advice would be greatly appreciated. We live in Seattle, and he tried and tried in Honolulu, but refuses to believe there might be a way to at least be called a Veteran again. That is all he wants. He did not want to kill the people he was forced to, it still haunts him, but he knew if he didn’t he would have been kicked out of the Army which he still hold so dear. Nina ( his significant other, who will not give up!)
