Li Cohen

As parents overdose, Pasco County schools becomes overburdened
Pasco County, Florida, is a primarily white middle-class community perfectly nestled between the Gulf of Mexico’s sunny beaches and Disney […]

As parents overdose, education becomes overburdened
Parents are getting high, children are being neglected and teachers are desperately seeking help as the opioid crisis unleashes its plague on the state of education.

New Yorkers celebrate Amazon backing out of LIC deal
View video on Vimeo Entwined in a four-foot-high pile of trash facing the Upper East Side sat a deformed delivery […]

As temps drop, NYC’s homeless face chilling crisis
As the temperatures plunge, many of New York’s homeless are forced to face brutal freezing temperatures. Photo by Li Cohen […]

As Amazon moves in, New York’s homeless forced to move on
Long Island City’s skyline. Photo courtesy of Wikipedia Nestled between rising luxury apartments and the country’s largest public housing development […]

Protestors Strike Amazon Bookstores
NYC residents marched through the Amazon Bookstore on 34th Street Nov. 26 to protest Amazon's decision to move one of its new headquarters to Long Island City in Queens.

Special Report: Midterm Elections 2018
Florida’s opioid crisis forgotten in heated governor’s race
Angela Tennell keeps a photo of her son David Neering, who died of a drug overdose in 2016 after years […]

Trauma and anger fuel some women to fight against Kavanagh’s nomination
The Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN) reports that every year, nearly 400,000 children and adults are victims of sexual assault. As rampant as the issue is, only a handful – about six in 1,000 – perpetrators are sentenced to prison.

Muslim community wins representation in state senate
He believes that being Muslim will simply add a diverse perspective to the state’s legislature.

17 years later: The Brooklyn skyline remembers
As people watched, many were overwhelmed with the memories of being within the smoke that overtook the screen in front of them.