Virginia Gunawan

Building a life after prison
After spending 23 months in prison, Kim Morris is now an aspiring entrepreneur.

LGBTQ barbershop makes the right cuts
Kutzwell started her barbershop in 2007 when her friends in the LGBTQ community complained about the service they received at neighborhood barbershops.

“Good Hair” vs “Bad Hair”
Deciding the style for African American women’s crowning glory is an intimate, almost soul-searching process.

News•Special Reports
Blizzard of 2015: West Village
Samson was out with her brown female Labradoodle, Wizhtle.

Mourners attend Akai Gurley’s funeral
Akai Gurley, was shot by a rookie police officer in a dark stairwell at the Louis H. Pink Houses in East New York, Brooklyn.

Features•Special Reports
NYC Marathon: Collecting discarded running clothes in Bay Ridge
While waiting for the next wave of runners, she went to middle of the street and collected the clothing the runners threw off their now warmed up bodies.

Border children rarely have a happy ending
Lack of understanding their legal rights causes more despair.

News•Special Reports
On 9/11: Difficult conversations with children
Lori Crotty, 53, from Summit, NJ visited the 9/11 Memorial to commemorate the death of her husband on the attack. […]