Rajeev Dhir

Same-sex marriage debate heats up in the South
Mitchel and Myers moved to New York City they said because it was easier to live as an openly gay couple.

Aspiring gay priest “Lives out Loud”
The journey was not easy for seminarian Tommie Watkins

Mother Nature to sucker punch New Yorkers with more cold after warm start to week
New Yorkers got a little reprieve from the bitterly cold conditions that hit the city as well as different parts […]

Gay, dating and discrimination
Rejection from the mainstream has also lead to an increased number of people reaching out to support groups for social networking.
Live Blog
If polls had wings, de Blasio would fly.
It was a landslide victory for Democratic candidate Bill de Blasio in the race for New York City's top job Tuesday night. It took less than an hour after the polls to close to read the writing on the wall for his opponent.

Special Reports
NYC Marathon: East Harlem revelers hope to inspire runners
Brisk weather and a light drizzle of rain didn’t keep tens of thousands of runners from hitting the pavement and […]
White Cane Safety Day
Celebrating National White Cane Safety Day in the Bronx.
Francisco Ramirez, public relationship/dating/sex therapist
Francisco Ramirez has given average New Yorkers a friendly ear and advice twice weekly, for two hours each day, at no charge.
Special Reports
9/11 Anniversary: In the midst of loss, a friendship is born
Tight security and a heavy police presence surrounded New York City’s financial district, as thousands commemorated the 12th anniversary of […]
Politics•Special Reports
NYC Primary: The mayoral candidates and style votes
It’s the final push as contenders for New York City’s top job put their best foot, and in some case, […]