Boarded up stores and empty streets are all you’ll find in Soho now that New York has adjusted to life indoors.
As if preparing for a hurricane, plywood covers store windows on just about every block. With retail stores deemed nonessential, and high-end shopping being Soho’s main draw, the streets are now eerily empty.
This is a look inside Soho during the shutdown.

12 Prince Street boarded up, April 22, 2020. Photo by Thomas Hengge

A sticker depicting cartoon ducks wearing gas masks reads, “Keep your ducks in a row safely…Apart!” April 22, 2020. Photo by Thomas Hengge

A person passes Kate Space in Soho, April 22, 2020. Photo by Thomas Hengge

A person cycles through empty streets in Soho, April 22, 2020. Photo by Thomas Hengge

A person hoists a grocery delivery to the roof using a hook and string to avoid in person contact, April 22, 2020. Photo by Thomas Hengge

Postal workers pause to chat, April 22, 2020. Photo by Thomas Hengge

A t-shirt depicting Gov. Andrew Cuomo hangs in a window, April 22, 2020. Photo by Thomas Hengge

A crossing guard monitors an intersection, April 22, 2020. Photo by Thomas Hengge

A person walks down Broadway, April 22, 2020. Photo by Thomas Hengge

Louis Vuitton boarded up, April 22, 2020. Photo by Thomas Hengge