New Yorkers have been asked to respect strict social distancing guidelines for almost two months now.
But now, as the warm spring weather graces New York City, Brooklynites who have previously been in isolating in their homes to prevent the spread of COV-19, have come out to enjoy the changing weather.
Prospect Park, the second largest park in Brooklyn which surrounds five neighborhoods, has become a popular gathering spot for many.

NYPD parked in front of Grand Army Plaza at Prospect Park. May 10th, 2020. Photo by Bessie Liu

Children playing kites with their father on Mother’s Day. May 10th, 2020. Photo by Bessie Liu

Bikers exercising at Prospect Park on a sunny Sunday. May 10th, 2020. Photo by Bessie Liu

Man standing on branches and dancing. May 10th, 2020. Photo by Bessie Liu

Couple enjoys the sunshine on hammock. May 3rd, 2020. Photo by Bessie Liu

Man following social distancing guidelines enjoying sunshine at park bench. May 10th, 2020. Photo by Bessie Liu

New Yorkers out to enjoy the sun on Mother’s Day. May 10th, 2020. Photo by Bessie Liu

Signs reminding New Yorkers to remain six feet apart at all times. May 10th, 2020. Photo by Bessie Liu

Intersection of Fort Hamilton Parkway and Ocean Parkway which leads to the Machate Circle. May 10th, 2020. Photo by Bessie Liu