Thom Friend

New Yorkers protest Eric Garner verdict
Thousands of New Yorkers cried out in protest over the Grand Jury decision not to indict the police officer who chocked the unarmed man to death.

Special Report: Midterm Elections 2014
What you need to know about third party candidates
by Thom Friend Occupy Wall Street and the People’s Climate March; two movements that brought hundreds of thousands from around […]

Features•Multimedia•Special Reports
NYC Marathon: East Harlem
The 2014 TCS New York City was a vibrant, colorful fun time for New Yorkers, runners and tourist.

NY People: Roger Mamedov, MMA Academy owner and instructor
by Thom Friend The most important thing to Roger Mamedov, the owner and an instructor at the Williamsburg Mixed Martial […]

News•Special Reports
On 9/11: A pub is filled with joy in remembrance
A place to come back to each year to honor and remember, but also to celebrate life