housing (Page 2)

A second chance for formerly incarcerated women
The WPA helps women reunite with their children, find employment, and reestablish themselves after leaving the criminal justice system.

New owners for Stuyvesant Town
The busy, but quiet neighborhood is abuzz with recent news of the 65-year-old complex receiving a new owner.

Poorest of Chinese immigrants live in tiny cubicles
No private bathroom, no kitchen and no stove make daily life very hard

Bushwick’s Dispossessed Latino Community
Members of Make The Road NY sing songs, share meals, and learn about their rights. Above is Angel Vera, of […]

A community victory in Loisaida
A sign supporting the return of the CHARAS community center to the people of the Lower East Side. Photo Credit […]
Push to rename Financial District reflects neighborhood change
Residents push to rename the Financial District SoMa, short for Southern Manhattan.
As tenant blacklist grows, more renters denied housing
Lawsuit seeks to put an end to the so-called tenants blacklist.