Police (Page 3)

Families of fatal police shootings want their voices heard
"We need a movement where everyone can say, just stop, it needs to stop."

Dead or Alive: The Black Lives Matter Movement
Few members of Black Lives Matter of Greater New York rally in support of Deborah Danner's family as they attend the trial of the NYPD officer who killed her. The lack of attendance brings into question the future of the Black Lives Matter movement and its message.

“Black Lives Matter” protest in Columbus Circle
Tensions rose nationwide after the fatal shooting of Terence Crutcher, 40, of Tulsa Oklahoma last week and Keith Lamont Scott, 43, of Charlotte North Carolina this past week, and protests erupted nationwide.

Protestors greet Bratton’s retirement ceremony
Some of the protestors held news clippings featuring Eric Garner, who was placed in a lethal chokehold by NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo in 2014.

NYC Takes Precautions Against Terrorism
New York City has been on a consistently high terrorism alert following a series of terrorist attacks abroad and domestically.

Backlash in Baltimore
Shortly after the funeral of Freddy Gray, Baltimore erupted in violence. Gray, 25, is the most recent victim of suspected police brutality.

Ferguson protest in Union Square
Shortly after Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson was not indicted for the murder of unarmed teenager Michael Brown, hundreds of protestors gathered in Union Square to voice their anger at the grand jury decision.
News•Special Reports
Still Occupying: Police Occupy Wall Street
What was intended to be an act of civil disobedience turned into a cat-and-mouse chase with police, who prevented protestors from being able to occupy anything.
Giants Parade: Mob goes wild and attacks police cruiser
Arrest were made as some fans lost control.
Occupy Wall Street booted out of Zuccotti Park
The park was completely emptied of protesters, tents, sleeping bags, books and other belongings.