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Special Report: Midterm Elections 2018
Florida’s opioid crisis forgotten in heated governor’s race
Angela Tennell keeps a photo of her son David Neering, who died of a drug overdose in 2016 after years […]

The battle against sodium in NYC begins
“Customers should know what goes into their food.”

Small businesses react to minimum wage raise proposal

New Yorkers protest Eric Garner verdict
Thousands of New Yorkers cried out in protest over the Grand Jury decision not to indict the police officer who chocked the unarmed man to death.

Special Report: Midterm Elections 2014
What you need to know about third party candidates
by Thom Friend Occupy Wall Street and the People’s Climate March; two movements that brought hundreds of thousands from around […]

Language is election issue in New York Russian-speaking district
More than half of the Russian population cannot be considered fluent in English.

Dust off your LP’s, vinyl is back
by Raz Robinson and Megan Jamerson Vinyl records are making a comeback.

Alma Realty’s Brooklyn tenants protest against proposed rent hikes
Brooklyn borough president Eric Adams at a rally against proposed rent hikes at the Jewish Hospital Crown Heights apartment complex. […]
Ukrainian women taking a stand in NYC
Mariya Soroka, 25, is sitting outside a coffee shop in the East Village on a crisp, blue- skied Saturday afternoon.
New law upsets young smokers in New York
Mayor Michael Bloomberg signed into law in October a bill that prohibits New Yorkers under the age of 21 from purchasing cigarettes.