foreign policy

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CNN GOP Debate: Different views on foreign policy
[View the story “2015 GOP Presidential Debates: Foreign Policy” on Storify]

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CNN GOP Debate: Inconsequential overall
[View the story “Second GOP debate, inconsequential overall.” on Storify]
Special Report: Election 2012
Chinese-American voters support Obama
Orla Lin, whose daily responsibilities include helping her mostly Chinese-American customers get their medications, said she planned to vote for President Obama because he had a more diplomatic approach with regard to U.S-China relations.
Special Report: Election 2012
US foreign policy success in Burma overshadowed in election
The meeting of Burma’s former dissident Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President Barack Obama at the White House in September marked a success in U.S. foreign policy, but one that has been overshadowed by Middle East crises during the election campaign.