Sunset Park

Special Report: In Our Backyard
Sunset Park-Industry City
Episode 3: Developers believe the rezoning will bring new jobs, while residents fear those new opportunities will attract wealthier households and displace a part of Brooklyn many hold dear.

Features•Special Reports
NYC Marathon: Marathon runners cheers runners
Ellen McCann, 44, was held up a sign that read ” You run better than our government” to uplift every […]

Multimedia•News•Special Reports•Video
Blizzard 2015: Sunset Park
Disabled and jobless, he makes money by singing upbeat ballads and playing his accordion every morning in his neighborhood.

Features•Special Reports
NYC Marathon: Smiles in Sunset Park
The street is crowded with sidewalk bands, people hanging out of apartment buildings waving flags, and a nearby church holds a cookout.
NYC Marathon: The Bellos of Caracas at Sunset Park
Brothers, sisters, husbands and wives were there to make some noise as their relations undertook a massive feat of physical endurance.
Mexican immigrants flock to Sunset Park
Mexican residents of Sunset Park, Brooklyn, decry crime and say laws like Arizona's SB1070 worry them.