central park

A beautiful day in Central Park
In Central Park, people ate ice creams, picnicked, played, exercised, put on shorts, and often wore warm smiles.

Special Report: Shutdown: The Coronavirus
Central Park’s East Meadow transforms into field hospital
This is a look inside the field hospital.

Features•Special Reports
NYC Marathon: Running in memory of loved ones
Roman’s spirit is strong. Even after completing the longest run of her life, she had no intention of resting tonight.

Features•Special Reports
New York City Marathon: The Finish Line
Eight hours later she crossed the finish line.

Features•Multimedia•News•Special Reports
The Pope in NYC
Poep Francis brings his message of love, hope and acceptance to the city. But he also brings inconvenience and controversy.

Russian heritage celebrated during Maslenitsa
Say goodbye to winter, Russian style.

Features•Special Reports
NYC Marathon: Family support in Central Park
Temperatures were at a frigid 52 degrees and wind speeds up to 26mph. Officials said it was slowing down runners by five minutes on average.

The endangered horses of Central Park
Carriages are believed to be inhumane.
Special Reports
Spring in NYC: Soaring temperatures turns ice rink into a skating pool
Visitors to Wollman Rink in Central Park found an ice rink that resembled a pool.
Feds say slaughter geese in city parks
New York City and USDA officials have called for another round of geese killings this year, and some residents are planning to push back.