police brutality

Black men reflect on Chauvin verdict
Black men in Harlem discuss their alarming interactions with the NYPD and express that this victory, although crucial, is fleeting, when much more remains to be done. "

I have a Black son: Here is how I will explain the George Floyd verdict to him someday
I will encourage him to remain his authentic, true Black self.

Memories of stop and frisk, racial profiling and microaggressions drive activists to protest
As a black woman in America she said she is in constant danger of a police encounter that could go wrong.

Hope in the midst of racism
The disproportionate police brutality rates show that the shards of racial inequality remain firmly rooted in the U.S

America’s racial reckoning has left black and brown people grappling with painful emotions
“It’s not our problem to fix, because we didn’t create the system."

What’s next for Seattle’s Autonomous Zone?
Some organizers are worried that the area is turning into a "block party" for curious Seattleites, and losing the momentum of a political movement.

Protesters march to defund Los Angeles Police Department
The main message of the demonstration was to destroy systematic racism in the U.S and defund the police.

Inside CHAZ, Seattle’s Autonomous Zone
After two weeks of clashes between police and protestors throughout the city, Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best said law enforcement officers boarded up and left the East Precinct in "an exercise in trust and deescalation.”

Protestors greet Bratton’s retirement ceremony
Some of the protestors held news clippings featuring Eric Garner, who was placed in a lethal chokehold by NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo in 2014.

New Yorkers protest Eric Garner verdict
Thousands of New Yorkers cried out in protest over the Grand Jury decision not to indict the police officer who chocked the unarmed man to death.