union square

George Floyd statue vandalized in Union Square
Passersby stopped to watch as volunteers scrubbed and brushed off the grey paint that was poured on the face of the mahogany wood and bronze painted sculpture.

Hyperlocal NYC Neighborhoods
National news dominates the headlines, but city neighborhood issues dominate what is in the minds of most New Yorkers. Listen to what they have to say about the challenges their communities face.

Union Square Holiday Market
An audio postcard from the Union Square Holiday Market.

Images of Protest
Hundreds of New Yorkers hit the streets in protest after the news that Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson would not face charge in the death of unarmed teen, Michael Brown.

Ferguson protest in Union Square
Shortly after Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson was not indicted for the murder of unarmed teenager Michael Brown, hundreds of protestors gathered in Union Square to voice their anger at the grand jury decision.
Francisco Ramirez, public relationship/dating/sex therapist
Francisco Ramirez has given average New Yorkers a friendly ear and advice twice weekly, for two hours each day, at no charge.
Qween Amor, subway performer
Qween Amor is a homeless subway performer who recently was working the concourse on 14th St, Union Square Station.
Passionate Occupy Wall Street make their voices heard at Union Square
"Its about sharing our stories,” one protestor said.