
Special Report: Reporting Black America
Penfield’s Black Supermoms Make Sure School Kids know Black Kids Matter
It wasn’t only black children and their mothers, but people of all colours and nationalities who joined both the rallies, creating an inclusive and cohesive space.

New Yorkers react to Chauvin verdict
Some New Yorkers react with shock, relief, and cautious optimism.

New Yorkers peacefully protest the grand jury verdict in the Breonna Taylor case
Despite pressure from the public for months following Taylor's shooting, an EMT shot dead as she slept in her bed during a botched warrant execution, all but one officer is being charged—and not for murder.

On the 155th anniversary of Juneteenth, marchers say too little has changed
"My father was only five when segregation ended and I'm still here marching for the same stuff that he marched for.

Juneteenth protestors march from Brooklyn to Manhattan
Thousands of New Yorkers gathered at Cadman Square park yesterday, to prepare for a long day of protesting. The protests […]

New Yorkers march in celebration of Juneteeth and in protest for racial justice
Protestors say they are tired of continuing to have the same fight for their rights and freedom.

Protesters march to defund Los Angeles Police Department
The main message of the demonstration was to destroy systematic racism in the U.S and defund the police.

Pro-Choice activists protest cathedral that holds “anti-abortion mass”
The first Saturday of every month, the Basilica of St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral holds a Witness for Life mass that is followed by a procession to the clinic.

Puerto Ricans rally for the island’s independence
For the activists in the march, the route to the island’s decolonization is through independence as opposed to statehood. They also demanded the cancellation of Puerto Rico’s over $70 billion national debt.

An interfaith gathering before the climate march
Students decided to skip class to make a clear statement about climate change. They felt the responsibility of fighting for the world that would be passed onto future generations