mental health

College athletics learn to manage mental health after pandemic and stress upends goals
During the pandemic, student-athletes had both their athletic and academic careers come to a standstill.

A dogs love can cure the blues
Early in the pandemic there was a waiting list to adopt dogs from shelters.

Special Report: Shutdown: The Coronavirus
New Yorkers are vulnerable to mental issues due to pandemic
Racial and demographical disparities also play a significant role in New Yorkers' health issues during the pandemic.

Special Report: Shutdown: The Coronavirus
COVID-19 challenges mental health
As people continue to physically isolate themselves to slow COVID-19’s spread, their mental health may come under greater risk.

Special Report: Shutdown: The Coronavirus
Mental health issues can soar in social isolation caused by pandemic
But even with online resources, mental health issues are proven to be exacerbated by social isolation.

Mental health problems haunt the undocumented
According to the American Psychological Association, undocumented immigrants can experience depression and anxiety when migrating. They struggle with traumas like the fear of deportation, the effects of racial profiling, and the lack of social support. Without access to mental health services - they're left to cope on their own.

Using exercise to promote mental health
The bike rides began two years ago.

Homeless and drug addicted
Jose Ramirez, 36, stands alongside the Trans-Manhattan Expressway in Washington Heights. Ramirez, a heroin addict, is among several thousand of […]
Yoga for veterans
Veterans say that it can have a variety of beneficial effects, including relief from mental symptoms brought on by PTSD.